Posted on July 27th, 2016

Sunset over beach

Low back pain, a common problem that almost everyone faces during his or her lifetime can completely limit one’s movement. At times, the pain may be so severe that one is forced to remain in bed. Here when we refer to low back pain, we mean the chronic variety. It is one of the most common cause for visit to a doctor. At the same time, it is also one of the most important reason for missing one’s work.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain:

 The usual cause of low back pain is the sedentary lifestyle that we lead these days. There is hardly any movement. We remain seated most of the time and stand for very short periods of time. Unfortunately walking, running and cycling like activities are also not a part of our daily routine. To add to it, our diet consists more and more of junk food. Fresh fruits, vegetables and high fibre foods are consumed less and less. This is a worldwide trend and is seen across all ages and cultures. These daily practices lead to obesity. The increased body weight puts lot of pressure on the spine which has to bear all the extra unwanted weight. The back muscles which are already weak due to lack of exercise and wrong posture are unable to cope with this increased load. This causes pain in the back muscles.

Treatment for Low Back Pain-exercises and home treatment for low back pain:

Treating low back pain requires a multi pronged approach. Along with medicines for relieving pain, one needs to identify the cause and correct it. This may require some medicines or some correction in one’s posture or reducing weight or improving one’s lifestyle. At the same time, there is a need to work on the local muscle strengthening. Back muscles need to be strengthened so that they can bear the weight of the upper body. For this exercises of the back muscles are very helpful. Regular walking is also very helpful as it is a wholesome exercise of the body, improves blood circulation and helps lose weight. Here one needs to stress on a point that losing weight is an important part of the whole treatment plan.

Homeopathic treatment for low back pain:

When it comes to the medicinal treatment, homeopathic medicines are very helpful. They not only treat the acute stages but are also very helpful in the chronic stage of back pain. It must be said here that homeopathy offers a much better alternative for the permanent cure for low back pain. The focus of the homeopath is not just to relieve the immediate pain but to also eliminate the root cause of the pain. That is precisely why the homeopath asks so many questions which may or may not seem related to your immediate problem. A common cause that is easily overlooked is the presence of stress in an individual. Mental stress can also contribute to low back pain and should be taken into account while taking the details of the patient. This is absolutely necessary if you want a lasting cure. In my practice, I have treated hundreds and hundreds of cases of low back pain. I can vouch for the efficacy of the homeopathic system of medicine in treating low back pain on the basis of my experience spread over almost two decades. It is only from my personal experience that I am giving the 5 best homeopathic medicines for low back pain.



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